Oven Roasting or Grilling Asparagus

*Our Favorite* Arrange spears on a cookie sheet in a single layer. Drizzle with olive oil and season with sea salt, garlic powder and freshly ground pepper. Oven Roasting: Bake uncovered at 450ï‚°F for 6 to 9 min. rolling around a few times. Garnish with freshly grated Parmesan cheese. Grilling: Place on the grills of your barbeque at high heat …

Thai Green Curry Chicken with Asparagus

My lifelong friend Cheryl O’Brien has lived at Armstrong BC for much of her adult life. Cheryl and her husband Kelly had an asparagus field and many of their neighbors were also growing asparagus before ginseng became the wonder crop in the early 90’s. This is where we were first introduced to asparagus production on a field scale. We purchased …