Randy’s Chicken Neptune with Asparagus & Hollandaise

Our son-in-law treats us to Chicken Neptune with fresh asparagus every spring!

  • Chicken breasts, 1 for each guest
  • Crab meat or imitation crab (pollock)
  • Steamed asparagus
  • Hollandaise sauce see below

BBQ the chicken breasts until fully cooked, lay on a cookie sheet then top with crab and lightly steamed asparagus. Drizzle with hollandaise sauce and broil in the oven for a few minutes until lightly browned and warmed through!

Hollandaise Sauce
  • 3 egg yolks
  • 1 Tbsp lemon juice
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 2 drops red pepper sauce
  • 1 cup butter, boiling

Heat the blender bowl with boiling water. Mix all ingredients except butter in hot blender. Add boiling butter slowly while mixing on low speed until thickened. Pour over hot asparagus and enjoy!